Innovation is such a buzz word in education that the feeders of STEAM, STEM, PBL, and every other acronym dilute the true meaning of the ability to innovate. Innovation is the introduction of something to a system where it does not currently exist. This could be an invention, which is often the innovation mis perception, but more often it is the ability to introduce an already existing idea into a system where it has never been applied. Education is riddled with these innovation challenges as we often know what we need to do, we are just not sure how to do it. When it comes to students innovating it is less about physical spaces and more about the think space, time to ideate, prototype, fail, re tool and try again that makes true learning and high impact outcomes. With a jammed packed schedule in schools, where can we find time to have people truly innovate? To create this space means giving something up and that is often the biggest challenge to K-12 education. Stakeholders pine for what has always been, and this can put a stranglehold on the space to create, invent, implement, fail, reflect and cycle back again. At Colegio Maya we have worked hard to make schedule and physical space for digital and product design. We revamped the science fair, created passion project time, incorporated design into inquiry, supported with service learning time during the day and implemented capstone projects, to name a few. Students are creating, failing, succeeding and gaining the confidence to truly innovate. The physical spaces are places to get messy and try both in elementary and secondary. The rooms are a mess of wonderful learning. Opening in November, the innovation hub will not only create digital and product spaces but set a tone of innovation that sets Colegio Maya apart from other schools. A hub sends the message of the focus and the desire to innovate for all ages in multiple ways. From the capacity that has been built over two years the entire community is excited to see what’s possible with maker, technology, film, art, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, 3D printing, robotics, and much more to truly impact the world through authentic innovation.