Don’t just learn about the bike, ride the bike!

Students live in the real world

Too often in schools we learn about things, we learn about how things might work in a hypothetical situation and we tell students we are getting them ready for “The Real World”.  Students already live in the real world! 

I want this for my school

Make a difference

It’s time to act, create partnerships, work with mentors, and make a difference while we learn.

Meaningful learning

What brave decisions can we make in schools to create time, space and partnerships for meaningful learning for all ages?

Learn with real purpose

Whether we call it social entrepreneurship, service learning, CAS or a plethora of other Edu jargon terms educators love to spout, let’s learn with real purpose and create the world we wish to see along the way.

Expected Outcomes

After participating in this presentation, you should:

  • understand that deep contextual learning is all around us all the time.
  • understand that schools can be hold great purpose for deep learning and making a difference.
  • understand that STEAM, STEM, PBL, CAS, Design Thinking, Capstone, Passion Projects, Service Learning etc are all aiming at the same outcomes. Don't get caught in the edu jargon.
  • have multiple ways to "ride the bike" with your students immediately.
  • be inspired to help facilitate learning that maters deeply and  have the tools to do it.


The following keynotes aim to inspire and lead schools through times of change and educational transformation.

Teachers and leaders respond to workshops and presentations by Mike Johnston. He is a “guru” to many in our East Asia Region, always on the cutting edge with service learning and school initiatives.

Dick KrajczarExecutive Director, EARCOS