Whether it’s traffic or just a long Canadian road trip, time in the car is valuable time to talk, connect, observe, and learn. You can learn quite a bit about what your kids are thinking when trapped in a box on wheels if they are not sunk into an iPad or device. We also took advantage of our new library membership by downloading an audio book to listen to together and they loved it!

Why not make it relate to our trip as we are on our way to PEI. They had many questions about orphans, history, farms etc. Grace commented how she can picture the scenery in her mind because it was so descriptive and she can’t wait to see Green Gables in person. Finley and Grace got into a discussion around whats better to read and what’s better to watch as a movie. We also made three stops to see great friends. We are indeed lucky to have so many amazing people in our lives. Just yesterday we saw friends from Qatar, Singapore, and long time friends on their way to Ghana. Grace even had time to create a zoo!