The Institute for Humane Education has been impacting schools, non profits and organizations of all kinds for years. Their latest contribution is a Solutionary Guidebook that is free to download that can provide everything from a process, to tools, to examples of how to change the world.


I was more than happy to contribute in small ways to this wonderful resource and am so happy to see schools across North America and beyond picking up on helping to create solutionaries for a better future. There is no doubt that the world can use more solutionaries at this time. IHE shares that a solutionary is someone who:

makes compassionate and responsible choices

identifies unsustainable, inhumane, and unjust systems

brings critical, systems, strategic, and creative thinking to bear on

solving problems

develops systems-based solutions that do the most good and least

harm to people, animals, and the environment

Jump in and help create a better future with this guide and don’t forget to check out their amazing resources and courses also.

What processes and tools do you rely on to change the world?