It is most definitely trying times throwing educators and students into the great unknown of online facilitation and home learning exclusively. We have certainly learned a tremendous amount this year homeschooling and traveling as a family and am happy to share in support of anyone. Our great hope is that schools come out of the COVID-19 situation stronger with the blended learning experiences that kids need in this day and age. It’s never either/or, always yes/and.
I’ll try and keep this simple so you can navigate it easily.
Online learning Experts – Lets start with my go to for great online learning – GOA now during COVID-19 The Global Online Academy is great now and has always been wonderful for online learning and teacher training.
The entire list of Education Companies offering free subscriptions right now.
List of sites to use online, Math, Reading, Writing, Steam, Virtual Field Trips, Non Screen.
450 Ivy League courses you can take for free. This resource is always changing but amazing opportunity to learn such a variety of things like Art and Design, Computer Science and more!
At Home Ideas – 100 Things to do at home – Good for school closure and always, fun social, family connectors.
40 things to do during the COVID-19 isolation. Good any time really.
Art at home both digital and otherwise. Thank you Mrs Velasquez.
Build a Cardboard Geodome. Again a great thing to do anytime and re-use some cardboard.
Engineering activities for kids. Thanks Lindsey!
Current Suggestions and Making a Better World – From our friends at the Institute for Humane Education for these trying times. Ideas to get outside, become a solutionary, take an existing course. Always great to use their resource center and specifically their Solutionary Guidebook on how to change the world!
Go Out Virtually From Home – Take Virtual tours of museums.
Would love to hear your ideas also. Please share other gems in the comment section and I will amend the posting as we go.
Stay safe and be well.
Here is a daily schedule for your kids you can use with Khan Academy.
Dear Mike,
Thanks so much for writing this blog. And thanks for sharing me and my kid’s graphic. I don’t know how you found it, but I’m glad it is has found its way to a larger audience. When my teens and I created it, it was a solution to keeping ourselves distracted when online learning seemed like a short-term issue. 8 weeks in, we’re constantly coming back to the ideas we generated on the first day. But our new addition is… connecting with those who are just starting this journey. It’s not easy, but everyone is not alone with their feelings. We’re finding that checking-in is working wonders with our emotional well-being. So I wanted to check-in and give you a hearty thanks! You have a new fan.
Thank you very much for reaching our Angela. We certainly need to support each other during this time. I received the photo through Facebook and have tried to compile some helpful links for people here. I think the idea of engaging the kids in the conversation about shaping their own learning is essential and you are modeling that so very well. I hope this has a knock on effect in schools upon return and we see kids owning more of their own learning process. I am happy to support anyone as they try and make the transition form “What will my kids do?” (this is a shot term, now what? response), to “What do we actually want to learn?” (a more student owned and outcome driven planning method). The activities should ultimately be driven by the outcomes. Do they want to learn some skills? Do they want to learn some concepts? Do they want to build character? Do they want to acquire knowledge? (Hopefully leading to conceptual understanding). Thanks again for your great work and for sharing widely, it’s important as we are all in this together!
Here, here Mike! Through our FLoW21 targets (at WAB), we have really tried to realize students’ skillset and passions through self-directed learning goals. Sometimes, we fail, but in an online setting we have no choice but to support learning through concepts and more open-ended learning engagements. It’s not easy, but it sure is a great during this global academic and sociological experiment.
Your team at WAB does great work! A great model for other schools to follow.
Say hello to my friends at WAB
From an educator and friend in Ontario/Quebec. Thank you Jacki!