It was such a great experience to learn about Canadian history with the family. Little did I know that the memories of my grade 8 trip would flood back as we walked the streets of Quebec City and onto the Plains of Abraham. The power of a school trip that I took over 30 years ago as I remembered eating tourtier at this restaurant and rein-acting battles on the plains, wandering the rue de treasure. These are experiences we need to keep in school curriculum.  Clearly after 30 years it has stuck, ask me what I learned in grade 8 biology…

It was powerful to hear the questions from Finley and Grace trying to understand France, England, explorers, referendums and  connecting our experience in French Canada to the podcast we listened to in the car about the 1972 hockey summit series against the Russians. That’s why hockey was so important to hold Canada together as it was the common bond between French and English Canada in times of protest, violence and almost twice a separation of this great country. 

The questions will lead to more questions and now that we have entered New Brunswick the history of Canada continues to get deeper as we learned in the car about the vikings being 500 years before the French. Quote of the day ” So you are saying if you go up this river we could get home to Kingston and to the ocean the other direction?”