
See what educators around the world say about us:

Rose's calm and confident manner is reassuring in even the most difficult circumstances. She is consistently focused on the wellbeing of her students and colleagues and never looks for simple solutions or shortcuts when dealing with complex human issues. Rose has a manner that can disarm even the most emotional parent and earns trust and respect quickly from all groups of people she deals with. She enters into sensitive situations with a sense of optimism and brings a balanced approach to complex problems. She is exceptionally good at what she does and enjoys her work, despite the many challenges.


Mike is a principled and influential educational leader whose thinking and actions are always focused on improving learning across the organization.

James Dalziel, Head of UWCSEA East Campus

Thank you for very much for making time in your schedule to invest in the International Academy of San Antonio staff and that of our sister school, Anne Frank Inspire Academy. You brought clarity to the CGC Framework and made sure that we were are pointed in the right direction. Your enthusiasm and passion energized everyone all four days! We look forward to continuing to collaborate with you and other CGC schools. Keep up the great work; we are changing student’s lives and impacting the future!!!

Dr. Raúl Hinojosa, Head of School, International Academy of San Antonio

Mike has given me a different perspective to look at the planning and delivery of curriculum. Connecting students to the real world has changed everything for my teaching.

Teacher, American School Foundation, Mexico

I want to take the time to appreciate you for everything these past three years. You're innovative and forward thinking always amazes me; I have loved learning from you and working with you. As an educator, I feel like I have grown so much in these past four years at Colegio Maya and I think a big part of that is from your leadership. You're thoughtful in PDs and listening to us as fellow educators. You always think about the students and their learning first. So thank YOU.

Elementary teacher, Colegio Maya

Mike did an amazing job facilitating the middle-level leadership retreat. He was thoroughly engaging and is a skilled facilitator who models what he is teaching. I thoroughly recommend him to any group looking to work and learn collaboratively (while having fun)!

David Wood, Middle School Principal, ZIS

One thing I particularly appreciate about having Mike as a boss is that he leads with his heart and his mind. He knows what should be done and he has the patience and thoughtfulness to do things in the right way so that the team feels a part of the vision and the product.

Ian Tymms, Head of MS English, UWCSEA

Mike provided us with such a practical way to learn - not only helping us to better understand concepts but also providing us with some great learning activities to use in our own schools.

Suzanne Keys, Assistant Principal, ZIS

Mike's energy and passion for education brings me to the table, his extensive knowledge keeps me there.

Conference Participant, Participant, ELMLE Conference

Rose's calm and confident manner is reassuring in even the most difficult circumstances. She is consistently focused on the wellbeing of her students and colleagues and never looks for simple solutions or shortcuts when dealing with complex human issues.She is exceptionally good at what she does and enjoys her work, despite the many challenges.

James Dalziel, Director, UWCSEA

Rose created a safe and nurturing space for children in need; always approachable and caring, it was a pleasure to work with her.

Nicholas Alchin, HS Principal, UWCSEA

Rose created a safe and nurturing space for children in need; always approachable and caring, it was a pleasure to work with her.


Rose was born to be a counselor. Her calm demeanor and caring disposition make her a natural for the position. On top of this, her skill set in all technical aspects of the position are outstanding and have been sharpened over the past twelve years. I would rehire her in a minute and I could not recommend her highly enough.

Colin Boudreau, HS Principal, ASD

I learned so much! It's truly taught me to see systems everywhere, and how to get to the root of the problem versus staying just surface-level.

Workshop participant, Workshop - Compass Education

I hope you know you are leaving behind an inspirational legacy with a deep and broad impact to aspiring future leaders.

Sung Have Kim, Parent, UWCSEA

Rose has an empathetic and intentional approach. In my work with her I found that Rose went out of her way to hear perspectives and perceptions from teachers, Heads of Grade and Vice Principals so that the work she was doing was fully informed.

Cathy Jones, Assistant Principal, UWCSEA

Rose was born to be a counselor.  Her calm demeanour and caring disposition make her a natural for the position and results in students and faculty members being drawn to her.  On top of this, her skill set in all technical aspects of the position are outstanding and have been sharpened over the past twelve years. I would rehire her in a minute and I could not recommend her highly enough.


The amount of resources and reading that were referenced was EXCEPTIONAL. I have a list of professional reading that will last me a long time!

Jaia Masterson, Curriculum Coordinator FIS Upper School

He simply took over the house by inspiring, informing and challenging all of us to action! One of the best keynotes I have ever seen.

Sonia Keller, Executive Director, Tri-Association

I participated in a couple of Compass Education trainings led by Mike in Guatemala. The workshops had a huge impact on my teaching practice, how I function in an organization, and approach life in general. I don't think teachers say that very often about their professional development experiences.

Teacher, Colegio Interamericano Guatemala

Dr. Johnston has been a constant support in my growth as an educator and leader. He puts what's best for student learning as well as educator learning at the forefront of all he does. I know that I am a better educator due to Dr. Johnston's leadership and advocacy for growth in learning design, delivery strategies, and authentic assessment practices.

High School Teacher, Colegio Maya

Rose's compassion, natural leadership style and therapeutic knowledge allow her to easily build the trusting, supportive relationships essential to fostering mental health and well-being. Her preventative approach, combined with her ability to respond in crisis make her an invaluable asset in any position.

Cindy Tisdall-McPhee, Counseling, UWCSEA

Teachers and leaders respond to workshops and presentations by Mike Johnston. He is a “guru” to many in our East Asia Region, always on the cutting edge with service learning and school initiatives.

Dick Krajczar, Executive Director, EARCOS

You are such a beautiful person, from the inside out! Your unconditional support is so valuable for all of us. On behalf of all Colegio Maya students, we say thank you for having a wonderful counselor like you.

High School Student

Rose's compassion, natural leadership style and therapeutic knowledge allow her to easily build the trusting, supportive relationships essential to fostering mental health and well-being. Her preventative approach, combined with her ability to respond in crisis make her an invaluable asset in any position.

Head of Counseling

Ms Rose is such a beautiful person, from the inside out! Her unconditional support is so valuable for all of us. On behalf of all Colegio Maya students, we say thank you. We are lucky to have such a wonderful counselor.

Grade 11 Student, Colegio Maya

Mike is a very dedicated and hard working director who is on the cutting edge of the educational change that students need for success in college and beyond. He works closely with his leadership team and is constantly coaching the teachers to improve and drive towards the goals of the program. It has been a great experience to work with Mike.

Alex Delgado, Board chair, Colegio Maya

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