Understand the goals
What does your organization need? What is your big why? Or do you need help articulating the why?
Systems’ thinking deepens learning by providing a structured and interdisciplinary method to tackle complex issues. Those attending will learn and share examples of how systems thinking can be successfully integrated into all levels of education. We aim to equip schools as learning communities to act for a sustainable future. This growing collaboration between schools not only helps to improve student learning but also creates a better world. Participants will walk away with tools, connections and next steps for deeper learning.
How do you ensure long lasting sustainable change? Why do some great ideas seem so difficult to diffuse? Have you ever had an initiative fade away and you are not sure why? Not sure where to start in implementing a great idea? Change is a state of being in schools that thrive. Understanding perspectives and mental models will not only deepen the learning but also support change efforts immensely. Come learn together the theory of change and how to ensure you maximize your time in implementing new ideas in the classroom and school wide.
What does it mean to educate for an environmentally sustainable future? How can you help students engage in personal and community change towards a greener future? Participants will learn and share what it means to truly green your school, community and internationally. Participants will walk away with a plan for next steps in their school to increase environmental sustainability. Whether you are a classroom teacher or an administrator we all play a role in ensuring the natural world is connected to our learning program.
What does it mean to educate for an environmentally sustainable future? How can you help students engage in personal and community change towards a greener future? Participants will learn and share what it means to truly green your school, community and internationally. Participants will walk away with a plan for next steps in their school to increase environmental sustainability. Whether you are a classroom teacher or an administrator we all play a role in ensuring the natural world is connected to our learning program. There are so many opportunities for real authentic projects right on your school campus, how do we capture these deep learning experiences?
When it comes to tackling global issues in systemic ways, we need to rethink the way we do what we do. This full-day institute will walk participants through the process of tackling the most complex challenges we face as human beings. From project based learning and global issues education to service learning and inquiry-based, integrated units, we will explore how we can become focused on our purpose of being and creating agents of change. By empowering our students to become leaders that address the most intractable problems of our time we heighten the greater purpose of K-12 education. Participants will develop a profound understanding of the state of the world, what role we play in becoming the architects of our collective future, and how to lead students to become change agents. We look forward to collaborating to create greater purpose and deeper learning in our schools.
Today’s young people connect, collaborate, and innovate media. But who helps them reflect on the implications of their actions? Who empowers them to make responsible, respectful, and safe choices about how they use the powerful digital tools at their command? A clearly articulated and well implemented Digital Citizenship plan gives students, teachers and parents the tools and curricula they need to guide a generation in becoming responsible digital citizens. In this session we will look at combining values and IT skills in an effective way. We cannot afford to simply build fences or put up walls around the pool, it is time to teach them how to swim.
We have wonderful opportunities to connect students to the world around them everyday. We don’t prepare students for the real world; they live in the real world! Middle School learners walk the line between becoming overwhelmed by complexity and striving to make a difference through taking action in their local communities. There has never been a better time for greater purpose in education as the sustainable development goals look to create the world we wish to live in out to 2030. This workshop will help educators gain knowledge, skills and understanding to educate towards a more sustainable future.
All students can embrace complexity, tackle global issues, dig deeply into the concept of sustainability and take very meaningful action. We are all born systems thinkers; sometimes it’s just a matter of opening the door to the amazing interconnected web that is our world of nature, economics, society and wellbeing. We will learn together about the concepts, tools and approaches it takes to bring greater purpose to everyday learning. This workshop is for everyone, teachers, leaders, or any stakeholder in schools.
What does your organization need? What is your big why? Or do you need help articulating the why?
We can create bespoke programs of learning that target the focussed needs.
Work with someone who builds your teams capacities, not someone who creates dependency.
Meet your goals through ongoing collaboration. Be flexible to change to plan as needed. Who is the work for? Not me, your students!
Students don't need more answers, students need to ask better questions!
Reach out and lets talk
Mike is a very dedicated and hard working director who is on the cutting edge of the educational change that students need for success in college and beyond. He works closely with his leadership team and is constantly coaching the teachers to improve and drive towards the goals of the program. It has been a great experience to work with Mike.
Mike is a principled and influential educational leader whose thinking and actions are always focused on improving learning across the organization.
Mike has given me a different perspective to look at the planning and delivery of curriculum. Connecting students to the real world has changed everything for my teaching.
Teachers and leaders respond to workshops and presentations by Mike Johnston. He is a “guru” to many in our East Asia Region, always on the cutting edge with service learning and school initiatives.
I hope you know you are leaving behind an inspirational legacy with a deep and broad impact to aspiring future leaders.
One thing I particularly appreciate about having Mike as a boss is that he leads with his heart and his mind. He knows what should be done and he has the patience and thoughtfulness to do things in the right way so that the team feels a part of the vision and the product.
He simply took over the house by inspiring, informing and challenging all of us to action! One of the best keynotes I have ever seen.
I want to take the time to appreciate you for everything these past three years. You're innovative and forward thinking always amazes me; I have loved learning from you and working with you. As an educator, I feel like I have grown so much in these past four years at Colegio Maya and I think a big part of that is from your leadership. You're thoughtful in PDs and listening to us as fellow educators. You always think about the students and their learning first. So thank YOU.
Dr. Johnston has been a constant support in my growth as an educator and leader. He puts what's best for student learning as well as educator learning at the forefront of all he does. I know that I am a better educator due to Dr. Johnston's leadership and advocacy for growth in learning design, delivery strategies, and authentic assessment practices.
I learned so much! It's truly taught me to see systems everywhere, and how to get to the root of the problem versus staying just surface-level.
I participated in a couple of Compass Education trainings led by Mike in Guatemala. The workshops had a huge impact on my teaching practice, how I function in an organization, and approach life in general. I don't think teachers say that very often about their professional development experiences.
Thank you for very much for making time in your schedule to invest in the International Academy of San Antonio staff and that of our sister school, Anne Frank Inspire Academy. You brought clarity to the CGC Framework and made sure that we were are pointed in the right direction. Your enthusiasm and passion energized everyone all four days! We look forward to continuing to collaborate with you and other CGC schools. Keep up the great work; we are changing student’s lives and impacting the future!!!
Mike's energy and passion for education brings me to the table, his extensive knowledge keeps me there.
Mike did an amazing job facilitating the middle-level leadership retreat. He was thoroughly engaging and is a skilled facilitator who models what he is teaching. I thoroughly recommend him to any group looking to work and learn collaboratively (while having fun)!
Mike provided us with such a practical way to learn - not only helping us to better understand concepts but also providing us with some great learning activities to use in our own schools.
The amount of resources and reading that were referenced was EXCEPTIONAL. I have a list of professional reading that will last me a long time!